Board of Studies

The Board of Studies (in Dutch: opleidingscommissie) is an advisory body, consisting of student representatives and teachers from the different departments contributing to the MSc Applied Physics programme (4 students, 4 teachers). The Board of Studies has three main responsibilities:
• To advise on the Teaching and Examination Regulations;
• To annually evaluate the programme;
• To advise on all matters concerning education.

The Board of Studies aims to continuously monitor and improve the quality of the Applied Physics programme, and gives both solicited and unsolicited advice to the programme management. During the year many subjects are discussed. Examples are changes in the curriculum, the coherence of the curriculum, study load of the programme and individual courses, teaching methods used, implementing new courses, rules for thesis projects (e.g. to prevent delays) and internships, implementation of general rules from the TU Delft Board, the formal regulations of the programme, collaboration with other universities, the honours programme, double degree programmes, etc.

How much time does it cost?

Every four weeks there is a meeting with the whole group. This meeting takes two hours. Two weeks after the meeting, a time slot has been planned in which small groups within the committee can work on a project or work out information, so the normal meetings are more efficient. Officially students receive one month of Profiling Fund ( This is equal to a work load of about 4 hours a week. From experience, it depends on the amount of work you would like to do outside of the meeting how much time you are really going to spend. The bare minimum is about 6 hours a month.

Interested in joining the Board of Studies and safeguarding the quality of your education? Send an email to