Past Events

Exam lunch Q3 — 04-04-23

This exam week ASAP came prepared and we doubled the number of sandwiches provided for our members. Last time all were gone almost right away, this time we did not disappoint!! Once again we worked hard to provide the food for everyone, and while building caprese sandwiches had some nice talks with our members. Everyone has recovered from the first half of the year and is loving the freedom that Q3 offers.

Skill workshop “de Kleine Consultant” — 13-03-23

Besides organising physics-related activities, we also wanted to include something that targets soft skills, since we all know how important these can be!! We contacted “de Kleine Consultant” to give a training about job interviews. With our graduation coming closer and real-life waiting just around the corner, these tips and tricks will prove to be very valuable ๐Ÿ™‚ And many of our members showed up to gain some knowledge about job interviews.

Dice — 27-02-23

One of our annual events is DICE, the doctorate informational career event. We invited different old AP students who are now working on their PhD here at the TU. Our first speaker was Pascale Daran-Lapujade from the graduate school who gave an informational talk about all the details regarding doing a Phd, and answered many questions about how to find a Phd, how much money you earn, and how it is structured. Next up was Martha Pita Vidal, who is finishing up her PhD and therefore could share all her experiences of the past four years with us. Lastly, Sander Senhorst gave us some insight into what it is like to start a PhD, especially how lost you feel in the first months. All in all, it gave us a lot of perspective about what it entails and whether to pursue a PhD (or not).

Exam lunch Q2 — 19-01-23

Within the AP master, the exam week of Q2 is the toughest of all, therefore ASAP once again provided lunch to support our members during their studying. As to provide a quick break, the board started making caprese sandwiches an hour prior to the event, and had 50 sandwiches ready to go at 12:30. Surprisingly all were gone within 15 minutes(!), our goal is to double the number of sandwiches for next time! So no worries if you missed out this time, Q3 exams will be here before you know it.

Labtour round #1 — 28-12-22 till 9-12-22

The first round of lab tours! To help AP students learn about all the different research groups within the faculty, and to allow the groups to showcase the possibilities, we organise two round of lab tours each year. This first round we visited:

  • Imphys – Optics research groups
  • Radiation Science & Technology Institute
  • Brinks lab

Trackmarket — 16 – 11- 22

The trackmarket is a session where students can get information about the different tracks of AP. It started with a short presentation of each track, where professors held a short talk about the track entails and how this is relevant to their research group. Following that, the professors each went to a stand together with two students from their group and students could ask questions regarding the different tracks.

Movie night — 21 -10-22

After a week of hard work, we gathered in Pulse to enjoy a chilled night of snacks, drinks and a good movie. After long deliberation, Hessel had made a short list of best movies that were somehow physics related. The final choice was “Hidden Figures”, about the women who worked at NASA and did not receive a lot of credit for their work. Fresh popcorn was enjoyed and everyone had a good time, since we now have a shortlist of physics movies, there will definitely be another movie night!

Exam lunch Q1 — 01-10-22

To support our members during the exams, we organised an exam lunch in the first week of exams. Free food promotes itself and many members showed up to grab a free tosti (grilled cheese sandwich). You would say that physicists understand that you cannot plug in 3 grills while making coffee and using the microwave, resulting in a power cut ๐Ÿ™‚ Luckily the university staff was quick to help us out and fix it, and we were back on track grilling sandwiches.

Master introduction day — 02-09-22

The master introduction day, which takes place before the start of the new academic year, is an important event for new students to learn about the program and connect with their fellow classmates.

The day began with an information session where faculty members and alumni shared their experiences and answered questions about the program. It was valuable to hear from those who had already completed the program and were now working in various fields.

Following the information session, we participated in a scavenger hunt that took us around the campus and the city center of Delft. It was a fun way to explore the area and meet new people. We completed tasks and challenges to earn points and get to know each other.

In the evening, we enjoyed a complimentary three-course dinner which was a great reward after a long day of activities. The dinner was followed by a pub quiz with great prizes.

Overall, the Master Introduction Day was a fantastic experience, and we are excited to see what the rest of the Masters program has in store for us!