Faculty Student Council

Every year the students of Applied Physics are represented by the Faculty Student Council (FSC). The FSC exists of 9 members of the faculty Applied Sciences.

The FSC occupies themselfs with various student and faculty related affairs, to make sure the needs of students are represented faculty wide. The education committee focuses on the study programmes, the curriculum and we look at the bigger picture.

The past few years the FSC has accomplished several things. All starting teaching assistants get a didactic training before they actually start helping the students during guided study hours and practicals. This is a big step in improving education at our faculty! Also you might have noticed the screens next to the classrooms, where you can see availability. At the moment we are working on a TA feedback system, to further improve the quality of the subjects. Besides that, matters such as the scanningsystem ‘Zesje’, sustainability, study facilities, student well-being and environment, are all discussed.

To make sure we achieve our goals, we have weekly internal meetings with our FSC. Every 6 weeks we have a big meeting with the study directors, study coordinators, the head of Education & Student affairs and the dean of the faculty. Here we discuss everything what is going on in the faculty at that moment and how to improve it. Also every 4 weeks the FSC is meeting with all the other FSC’s on campus, Lijst Beta and ORAS, to stay up to date on TU campus wide issues, give each other input and share ideas!

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, don’t hesitate to send an e-mail to fsr-tnw@tudelft.nl or approach us in the hallways!